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How do I become a Member of the Angeles Double Dutch Club?Membership is held on any day a participant participates. Dues are paid at the start of every Double Dutch workout, community or special events, unless otherwise stated in advertising. Regular Per Day Membership Dues are $15.
Where do members Meetup for Double Dutch Workouts?For regular Double Dutch Workout sessions, we meet at: Pan Pacific Park 7600 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles, 90036
What days do Members Meetup for Double Dutch Workouts?Regular Sessions are: 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month. 10am - 12 noon No holidays. Canceled when it rains.
How many calories can I burn in an hour of jumping double dutch?Some Scientist believe jumping double dutch can burn as many as 1300 calories per hour!
I have a previous injury, is it safe for me to play?"Although some physical therapist encourage people with knee and ankle injuries to jump rope in order to stregthen leg muscles, this question is best for your Physician. Each case differs. If you are having concern, you should contact your Physician for clearance.
I've never jumped before, can I still participate?"Our club is great for adults of all skill levels from beginners to masters. We help one another learn, while continuing to enjoy our own individual workout goals.
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